Topsonic Systemhaus GmbH was founded in 1996 with the aim to develop aircraft noise monitoring systems according to the individual requirements of each customer. Today Topsonic is a globally acting enterprise, still owner-managed and characterised by a flat hierarchy and quick decision-making.
1. Aircraft Noise and Flight Track monitoring system
A noise and track monitoring system consists of several components which collect and store input data, calculate relevant values and prepare them for presentation.
Topsonic systems measure continuously and without interruption — 365 days per year, in ice and snow, in the desert and in tropical environments.
Noise Monitoring Station
The number of noise monitoring stations depends on the number of runways and certain geographical terms. For each runway at least one station should be located in each extension of the runway.
A noise monitoring station mainly consists of measurement instrumentation (sound level meter and weather proof microphone), computer and communication module (router or modem), an optional weather sensor, an uninterruptable power supply (UPS), sensors for vandalism protection, power loss and temperature, a weather proof cabinet and a tilting mast.
Topsonic Noise Monitoring Stations operate under the most difficult ambient conditions.
Topsonic noise monitoring stations are protected against lightning and electrical surges.
In addition, we offer mobile noise monitoring stations for changing sites of operation. Their functionality and measurement instrumentation is identical to our stationary devices. Mobile stations are located either in a handy pelican case or in a car trailer for unattended use. The car trailer version is available with solar power and/or fuel cell power. This allows more than half a year of unattended operation without any external power source.
Noise and Track Server
The server processes all incoming data. It is the interface between external data sources and user. Incoming data sources include noise monitoring station data, optional weather data, radar data from air traffic control, flight schedule data, METAR weather data.
All data is permanently monitored. In case of interruption or errors, an alarm is generated.
In order to identify the source noise, events are automatically correlated with the radar data. Different types of correlation are available (radar–correlation, time window correlation and manual correlation). Thus the Topsonic noise & track monitoring system reaches highest correlation rates.
All processed data is presented with advanced graphics and reports, that include Time series Leqs (Leq: Equivalent Sound Level), Noise events, Real time data, Distribution of levels, Calibration results, Weather data (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation), Flight tracks, runway usage statistics.
Database Server
Nearly all collected data is stored in a high performance ORACLE database. Topsonic uses Oracle 11g as database server. Oracle servers can be installed on nearly all operating systems. Oracle is trusted, scalable and absolutely fail safe. Furthermore, users have access to some database tables and can produce specific queries and reports.
2. Environment Information System - TRAVIS
TRAVIS (Topsonic TRAck VISualisation) is a web-based module which displays on a map flight tracks together with measured noise data in the vicinity of an airport.
TRAVIS helps to extend the airport’s public relations and to improve the dialogue between residents, complainants and the airport environmental department.
TRAVIS functionalities and characteristics include:
Some of the current installations include Berlin-Schönefeld, Berlin-Tegel, Cologne/Bonn, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, London City, London Luton, Santiago de Chile.
3. AirportRadar
The efficient handling of aircrafts require exact forecasts in which sequence aircraft are in inbound, at which time an aircraft is in approach, which runway is designated, and which exact departure or landing time the aircraft has.
These requirements get more and more important due to Eurocontrol’s Airport CDM. Airport CDM stands for „Airport Collaborative Decision Making“ and is a program which increases the operative effectiveness in the European airspace. Partners are Eurocontrol, the national air traffic control and the airports.
AirportRadar processes data from the many sources, such as ASTERIX (All Purpose STructured Eurocontrol SuRveillance Information EXchange) Radar, ADEXP (ATS Data Exchange Presentation), TFDPS (Tower Flight Data Processing System), METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report), AODB (Airport Operational DataBase).
AirportRadar calculates and distributes information, such as ATD/ATA (actual time of departure / actual time of arrival), ETD/ETA (estimated time of departure / estimated time of arrival), Runway, TMO (Ten Minutes Out, Twelve Minutes Out), Arrival sequence, 30/50 Miles Out, Miss-Approach / Go Around / Touch & Go detection, Diversion detection, Processing of Emergency Codes (Hi-Jacked, Radio loss etc.).
In addition, AirportRadar stores all track data in an ORACLE database (option), distributes all plot data to unlimited count of parties, manages mail alert on missing data or other errors and features automatic barometric correction of transponder data.
Its Master/Slave configuration guarantees highest availability and is fully scalable to cope with each airport requirements.